lapsit · storytime

Lap Sit Week of 11/14/2016

If You’re Ready For a Story

If you’re ready for a story clap your hands (clap clap)

If you’re ready for a story clap your hands (clap clap)

If you’re ready for a story, if you’re ready for a story

If you’re ready for a story clap your hands (clap clap)

If you’re ready for a story stomp your feet (stomp stomp)

If you’re ready for a story stomp your feet (stomp stomp)

If you’re ready for a story, if you’re ready for a story

If you’re ready for a story stomp your feet (stomp stomp)

If you’re ready for a story wave hello

If you’re ready for a story wave hello

If you’re ready for a story, if you’re ready for a story

If you’re ready for a story wave hello

This Is Big Big Big

This is big big big, this is small small small

This is short short short, this is tall tall tall

This is fast fast fast, this is slow slow slow

This is yes yes yes, this is no no no



Open/Shut Them

Open shut them, open shut them

Give a little clap clap clap

Open shut them, open shut them

Put them in your lap lap lap

Creep them crawl them, creep them crawl them

Right up to your chinny chin chin

Open wide your little mouth—but do not let them in!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.


Bumping Up and Down

Bumping up and down in my little red wagon

Bumping up and down in my little red wagon

Bumping up and down in my little red wagon

Won’t you be my darling?

One wheel’s off and the axel’s broken

One wheel’s off and the axel’s broken

One wheel’s off and the axel’s broken

Won’t you be my darling?

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon

Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon

If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship

Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon

In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BLASTOFF!

Tony Chestnut

Toe, knee, chest, nut

Nose, eye, love you

Toe, knee, nose

Toe, knee, nose

Toe, knee, chest, nut

Nose, eye, love you

That’s what toe, knee, nose

I’m Sitting Here

I’m sitting here I’m one day old

I’m sitting here I’m two days old

I’m sitting here I’m three days old

I’m sitting here I’m four days old

One day I’ll be a year

Then I’ll be two then three then four

But as for now I’m sitting here

I’m five days old and no days more

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again

I Know a Chicken + Egg Shakers

Bubbles in the Air

There are bubbles in the air, in the air

There are bubbles in the air, in the air

There are bubbles in the air, there are bubbles in the air

There are bubbles in the air, in the air

There are bubbles way up high, way up high

There are bubbles way up high, way up high

There are bubbles way up high, way up high in the sky

There are bubbles way up high, way up high

There are bubbles way down low, way down low

There are bubbles way down low, way down low

There are bubbles way down low, and they tickle on your toes

There are bubbles way down low, way down low



Goodbye Song

Storytime is over now, over now, over now

Storytime is over now—see you next time!

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