lapsit · storytime

Lap Sit Storytime Week of 5/8/2017

Seventeen weeks flew by and it's already the end of our storytime session! I'm always a little sad to see storytime end- it means fewer kids each day and bunches of kids moving on to the next age group. This was a great week, though, and the kids graduating to the next group will definitely… Continue reading Lap Sit Storytime Week of 5/8/2017

lapsit · storytime

Lap Sit Storytime Week of 5/1/2017

If You’re Ready For a Story If you’re ready for a story clap your hands (clap clap) If you’re ready for a story clap your hands (clap clap) If you’re ready for a story, if you’re ready for a story If you’re ready for a story clap your hands (clap clap) If you’re ready for… Continue reading Lap Sit Storytime Week of 5/1/2017